Hello 世界
This is my first post, accept no imitations.
Yes, I now have a fast.ai blog!
Actually I have two. What you are currently looking at is the simple version I first set up, but I also now have a fastpages blog.
I’ll choose one soon, right now I have two, but I am using the simple version…
世界 means “world” in Chinese. I was just checking that this blog software works with non-English characters. It does, hooray!
Here is more information about the two fast.ai blogging tools:
- fast_template, simple and easy to setup,
- fastpages, which also handles Jupyter notebooks.
Under the hood, both blogs are hosted with GitHub Pages and use Jekyll, the simple, blog-aware, static web site generator by Tom Preston-Werner, GitHub’s co-founder (as he described in “Blogging Like a Hacker” back in 2008).