How to run AI programs
One of the first stumbling blocks when you want to learn about AI is finding a way to run programs.
A complete program like the cat and dog recognizer is amazingly simple and approachable, but the difficulty is not just understanding it, but being able to run it yourself!
To run a program you need an environment or platform for it to run on. An AI program depends upon a software and hardware environment, which can be a pain to obtain and install.
Fortunately, there are some easy ways to get your feet wet. Here’s what I found.
These are the options I have explored for running software:
- Gradient Paperspace
- Google Colab
- running on my own PC (just to try)
There are several things to consider when choosing a platform:
- availability
- how easy is it to just run it?
- ease of use
- how complicated to use it, share things
- features
- upload widget
- speed
- how long to do basic AI test like the cat and dog example?
- cost
- free instances are great, but not always available
Spoiler alert: I am currently using Paperspace. It works, free instances are available sometimes, and anyway we get a 15-dollar credit as students.
I “upgraded” by paying 8 dollars a month, because I was a bit confused and thought it might make things easier for me. But as far as I can tell this does nothing for me, since I currently don’t need private instances. I’d be happy to hear from others on this.
K80 pretty fast, and pre-emptible version is cheaper
Free-P5000 very fast!
No GPU: doesn’t work, i.e., doesn’t even run!
(that’s odd, I ran on platforms in the cloud that still seemed to run, just very slowly… Isn’t there a graceful descent into a slower but still functioning option if you don’t have a GPU?)
instructions here:
the instructions say:
in some places we use a file upload button, which is also not supported by Colab
I found the upload widget works fine on Colab
I initially wrote:
very slow, I suppose there are faster options if you pay?
but if I had read the instructions properly
Select ‘GPU’ from the menu and click ‘Save’.
My own PC
I currently don’t have a GPU on my own PC, so key libraries cannot work.
Much more could be said, but in conclusion, Paperspace is the way to go for me for now!
Update: now that I figured out the GPU part, when I have too much trouble with getting a free Paperspace, I use Colab.